bad tattoos

Best Web Junk (July 25)

Interesting (running the numbers) - via Misspelled, or bad grammar tattoos - via Dave Barry.  This is sad & funny also it has a lot of cussing, but it's still very entertaining.  (Please don't juge me too harshly for putting up a link with a lot of swearing)

Check it out.   This is the Nirvana baby - From myextralife

This vid is cool.  A mini vs. a go-cart on a go-cart track.  The race starts about half way through.

I just realized that this week all my links contain something that you could find offensive if you are easily offended.  Sorry about that.  It's not my usual style, I'll try to clean it up for next week.  To make up for it, here's a link to a lolcat.  It's disgustingly cute and there's nothing vaguely offensive about it.  Here's another.

And finally here's a little game.  Read yesterday's post and see where I've been in the past 8 days.  Guess my mileage in the comments for the 14th -22nd of July.  The person who is closest wins the prestigious title of Geography Czar of my blog.