
What You People Come Here For (September Ed.)

Each month I collect the interesting searches that bring people to my blog and share them with you unedited.  They are simply cut-and-pasted exactly as they appeared.  Whatever you see in parenthesis is my commentary.  Enjoy

  • sick tattoo fingers
  • constitution tattoo
  • turtle foot tattoos (You think this means tattoos on a turtle's foot, or tattoos of turtles on feet, or a tattoo of a turtle foot somewhere else)
  • sick jesus tattoos (I know sick is a synonym for cool, but all I can envision is a tattoo of Jesus getting sick)
  • awesome video about everything (I would like to see this video because I doubt it could, indeed, be awesome)
  • trampoline funny
  • william shakespeare funny pics
  • bell's palsy teeth teeth
  • trampoline funny
  • govt of india (I have no idea what this might refer to)
  • wood tattoos
  • cod funny (are cods funny?)

The Death of Local News?

Yesterday’s post was about the future.  Specifically about the media formats that are dying because of technological advancement.  My argument was that there will always be quality material out there and there will be money for those people who are skilled to earn a living at their craft.  But there is one area that I am afraid will be lost to technology and, at least at this time, I do not see a replacement for it.

This scene is gone forever

So what is this one thing that I worry will be truly destroyed by technology?  Local news by actual journalists.  As I see it, there will always be outlets of national and world news that are profitable enough to continue on with real journalists.  Those things will have a bias, but that is okay.  Newspapers and magazines today are biased as are all people.  At least when you read Huffington Post or the Drudge Report you know what you are getting when you read.  As I see it, this as a push.

However for local news I envision a very

hard road.  It is no secret that newspapers are struggling now and many of them are shutting down.  Soon we will be hearing the same stories about network affiliates. When this happens, there will really be no source for local news.

I happen to believe that local news is more significant to my life than national news, and I know that whoever is my mayor will have a greater effect on my life than the president.  So I believe that local news is quite important.  I care what goes on at my city council and I want to know how high school football turns out.

I live in a mid-sized city.  It’s huge compared to my home town but tiny compared to New York or Houston.  In greater Fayetteville NC there are about 300,000 people.  Unless things change seriously, even a city this size will have a difficult time employing reporters with only ad revenues from a website.

As things stand currently, the Fayetteville Observer is a respectable paper and I get headlines via RSS.  I click on ads occasionally because I want them to get the revenues.  But I simply have no interest in having the paper delivered.

Imagine that I was back in my hometown, roughly one tenth the size of Fayetteville.  I would still care about the city council and the mayor, there would be only a few less stories for them to cover.  There would be fewer local schools to follow and fewer crimes to report, but still a similar low-end cost.  (And I don't think the local paper even offers headlines by RSS now.  )

What are the options I see?

First, an [online] subscription model.  I know this is what the papers plan to do.  It makes sense right?  People paid for the delivered version, they will pay for the online version.  The only problem is that it’s nearly to make people see something that was free as having value.  And as far as I know, except for the Wall-Street Journal, this model seems to have failed for every newspaper that has tried it.

Another option is user contributed local news.  The problem with that is reliability.  My concern is with good local news  I guess there could be a digg-like system for rating stories or authors by veracity, but that seems like a bit of a stretch.

There is my irrational fear of technology.  Feel free to call me stupid in the comments and tell me how you get your local news.

Best Web Junk (September 25)

Even though it's not from this week, this is the funniest lolcat I've seen in a while The Star Wars Soundboard ver. 2

Did you ever wonder what the worst song in the world would sound like?  In my opinion it's "I Will Always Love You" the Whitney Houston version, but apparently the scientific answer can be found here.

I posted this on Facebook earlier this week and since then I've seen at least 10 others post it, but it definitely is the best thing I've seen this week.  I present All the Single Babies.  And you know it is one of the best videos of all time


Best Web Junk (September 18)

This is by far the scariest story of the week. These pictures are beautiful and impressive

epic fail pictures I nearly fell out of my chair laughing at this.  The hypothesis section is just about the funniest thing ever.  From Fail Blog

Interestingly, most of this stuff has come true.  these commercials are from 1993.


Best Web Junk (Sep 11)

I'm not a very good housekeeper, but I'm reasonably sure this is not going to happen at my house An awesome win

The US Army goes a long way to get recruits

And finally this week, you really can't go wrong with Ender's Game humor.

This old dude is amazing with a  slingshot


Best Web Junk (August 14)

I really like this article about the structure of the NAMB.  Though I think he could have moderated his tone a bit. For those of us of a certain age.  This video rules

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.860420&w=425&h=350&fv=key%3D076041c13b]

And again, if you are of a certain age, this comic is brilliant

Best Web Junk (August 7)

First up is this news story about a girl suing her college's job placement office I think this is the key paragraph:

She suggested that Monroe's Office of Career Advancement shows preferential treatment to students with excellent grades. "They favor more toward students that got a 4.0. They help them more out with the job placement

Then there is this sad story (with an impressive piccture) about a grass carp killed by raw nuts.  In this article I learned that carp live into their 30s (unless they eat too many nuts).

This LOLcat cracked me up

A very entertaining list of reporters in really bad weather

What do yall think...fake right?


Best Web Junk (July 31)

I know last week's most popular video, the dancing wedding party was fun But about 30 seconds in I remember saying to myself this is definitely not a Baptist church.  I guess this reporter was thinking the same thing.  Here's an interesting story about how few churches would allow this kind of thing. A second interesting thing from that video which now has about 13 million views, is how it shot the song "Forever" up the sales charts (#4 on iTunes) even though the song is a couple of years old.  Just think, if the publishers had issued a takedown, like they normally would they would have lost all that money.

By far the best video I've seen this week.  This is fun


Best Web Junk (July 24)

A while back I wrote an open letter to the CGR task force.  Here is another written on a different topic.  I agree with it completely. This is scary but still seems pretty awesome

This is the perfect example of why I like

I do not view this as a rickroll, but it does involve Rick Astley


Best Web Junk (July 17)

Here's a good link for youth minsters This graph is brilliant and funny

People are obnoxious.  But seriously, I "admire" whoever "wrote" on this "sign"

I'm actually surprised this story made it into the news.  The famous gay penguins are not gay

This is very clever


What you people come here for (June Ed)

This is my (usually) monthly list of interesting searches that brought people to my blog.  It's a short list this month because you people have become boring.  The vast majority of searches are something SBC or Bell's palsy related.   These are just cut and pasted with no corrections so they appear exactly as they were searched for.  (the stuff in parentheses is my own commentary) "log into or log in to"  (seriously - which is it?) cirtificate warehouse fun jimmy fallon-zach morris (wonder who Jimmy Fallon-Zach is?)

Best Web Junk (June 19)

Speaking of web junk.  There will be another post on this blog this afternoon.  I meant to post it yesterday but just didn't have time with all the teen college preparation. This game is addictive My best is 25 days

Very interesting

Dogs (even little stupid ones)...better than cats

In order for to appreciate the awesomeness of this video, you need to be familiar with the "Play him off, Keyboard Cat" meme.  Now, here is an impressive keyboard cat.


I'm not really sure why I find this video so fun.  It's probably because these kids are really into it.  I guess there are worse things than teaching a public school choir Journey [youtube=]

CNN responds to TWIT

Last week on This Week in Tech the panel had a prolonged discussion about how the "24 hour" cable news networks didn't cover the uprising over the Iranian elections whatsoever.  Twitter, however, had a lot of first-person information.  (Just have a look at the hashtag #Iranelection) Then today I saw this clip from the Daily Show

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.839787&w=425&h=350&fv=]

John Stewart is busy making fun of CNN for never being accurate.  (I'm no CNN fan, but it's not quite a fair characterization.)  However, to me the story is that CNN is reacting to the criticism levelled against them by TWIT.  Namely that they have slipped into irrelevance and that the real news breaks on Twitter.  CNN is attempting to be relevant and timely.  They are also simultaneously trying to discredit Twitter and using it as their only source.  Any user of Twitter knows that it is really the quickest place to see breaking news.  It needs to be used as a reference rather than as a source, but when something happens (just look at Iran) you will see it there first.

At least CNN pretends to recognize this fact.  Even if they are being snarky about it, they know that there is news getting out of Iran mainly via Twitter.

Best Web Junk (June 12)

You may have noticed that there were no new posts on this blog this week.  There's no reason for this except that to write a post requires both inclination and inspiration.  and I have been lacking in the former all week.  I actually sat down 3 times and wrote barebones outlines of posts.  I'm sure you'll see them in the future, but I just didn't have the interest in finishing them this week.  I did, however, put together a short list of the best junk I've seen on the web this week.  Enjoy, and I will do my best to get back at it next week. This is the funnest quiz maybe ever on Mental Floss.  It was probably written by someone roughly my age because almost all of them were right in my wheelhouse.  I got a 70%, but the three I missed I had absolutely no clue about.

This story is weird or cool or something.  it is definitely interesting

Today's cake wrecks are pretty great.  Especially the Chewbaca cake

I have always thought the flash mob thingies are entertaining.  This one is more entertaining than most.  (You've probably already seen this video, Adam posted it on his blog earlier this week)


Best Web Junk (June 5)

These cars could never be cool.  But this one almost is It's not often that the good churches do makes it into the media.  So I was proud of this story

I warn you, if you click here, you'll still be playing in 30 minutes

whoever thought of this is brilliant

Found a great video this week.  This is a very dedicated reporter.  The magic begins around the 40 second mark

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.834284&w=425&h=350&fv=]