
Best Web Junk (Feb 12)

This passive aggressive note is the best thing I've seen in a long time Have 10 minutes and want to play a fun flash game - Then you are welcome 1-button Bob (My best is 388 I'm sure I could trim off at least 30 clicks)


I can't imagine you made it through the week on the interwebs without seeing this vid, but it is awesome.  Also it must be hard to play guitar with only 4 fingers


Best Web Junk (Jan 29)

I love fishing, but if I ever reeled in something that looks like this I'd probably freak out.  (Probably not gonna happen though since it's nearly extinct) This movie will probably be better than Transformers 2

This cannot be real. But if it is, it's pretty impressive

<rant>With all the talk about Avatar lately I've been wondering why movies count the amount of money they take in rather than actual ticket sales like every other form of entertainment.  I mean seriously, records & books count units sold.  TV counts ratings, not ad money taken in.  Why do movies report money.  Of course movies set records for box-office reciepts all the time.  Movie prices inflate faster than any product I can think of.  </rant>

Finally, somebody listed top movies by ticket sales

This is so brilliant and it is by far the best video I've seen this week.   It only has one, but be warned -

it has a swear[youtube=]

This is pretty great

I for one am proud of the influence Martin Luther King Jr. on this country.  Enjoy this video of his final speech autotuned.  This autotune is not for comedy, but for tribute, and it is great. Also for my Southern Baptist readers, I recommend this article


Best Web Junk (Jan 15)

I am ashamed to say I missed one of these A headline that headline writers dream about

I like fishing, but I've never caught anything that can be measured in Miley Cyruses (This story would be better if it was less Brittish.  Lots of these celebrities are unfamiliar to me)

Obvious headlines - "Females more likely to test for Women's diseases"

These are awesome - Snakes on a Plane for the Atari 2600

I do not watch American Idol, but it continues to produce stars.  Like this 62 year old Hip-Hop pioneer


Best Web Junk (Jan 8)

This story is just so amazingly terrible. Also, I believe it could easily happen in the US The 00 decade in logos and icons.  This thing is pretty neat

Of course everyone has seen this video this week

[youtube=] Here's an interview with the lady who is now famous for it.


Best Web Junk (Jan 1)

I have been disconnected from the web for most of this week so this is actually something I saw on the web way back on Dec 17 2009. This video enhances the stupidest common thing on all the procedural shows.  You can't make an image where there is nothing.  At least on Flash Forward after 3 weeks, they admitted that they couldn't improve a security video image very much.


2010 Predictions

These are my predictions for 2010.  Feel free to make your own predictions in the comments

  • Toy Story 3 will be the top movie of the year, Iron Man 2, the A-Team, and Harry Potter will also be in the top 15
  • The Dow will be higher at the end of 2010 than at the beginning
  • There will be 15 e-book readers on the market by the end of 2010 but still no major publisher will release DRM-free books.  So I will not buy one
  • The health care bill will not become final before May and by the time I write this post next year there will still be millions of uninsured Americans.
  • The Twitter stream will have ads in it (not just spam)
  • USA will be no better than 3rd in the medal count at the winter Olympics
  • Kentucky will be in the Final 4
  • The finale of Lost will be mostly satisfying
  • I will not live in Kentucky at the end of 2010
  • I will weigh less at the end of 2010 than I do at the beginning


You remember this video I posted here on Monday? It has about 400 views since It went up on Sunday night.  And already 2 comments by trolls.  (Per Wikipedia - a troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community)  I do not understand the phenomenon that causes people to think it's okay to be insulting to others or to be outrageously inflammatory just because they are anonymous.

Really I am seeking your opinion, should I close the comments on the video, or let the trolls troll.  I am definitely not going to respond, that just encourages them.

<update> I closed comments.  </update>

[polldaddy poll=2399055]

Best Web Junk (December 11)

Google will send a free Christmas postcard to anyone  you want You just cannot let this sort of behavior go unchecked in our schools or before you know it all kids will want to enjoy themselves

This unbelievably creepy phenomenon probably says something about our society, but all I can think is - That's just wrong

Sharks with People Teeth

While fishing I've seen herons, fish, and snakes.  I've seen Herons eating fish, snakes eating frogs, and birds eating snakes.  But I've never seen this

I made a 100 on this Mythbusters quiz

By far the best video I saw this week But I can't get it to post to wordpress

I didn't understand 20 words in this 2 minute commercial.  But it has some really neat animation


What You People Come Here For (November Edition)

Each month I collect the interesting searches that bring people to my blog and share them with you unedited.  They are simply cut-and-pasted exactly as they appeared.  Whatever you see in parenthesis is my commentary. Again this month it seems like a huge number of searches included the word "tattoo."  Lots are weird, but only a few are funny.

  • tattoos with a purpose
  • fun with fire ants
  • wolverpuss (the legacy of Webhick)
  • mission: add me on facebook!!! facebook. (I don't have the slightest idea what this could be.  And why all the punctuation?)

Best Web Junk (November 20)

Earlier this year I spent a  couple of days as a mission project trimming hedges that looked like this. (on the left)  I wish I had thought of this system I really want to go to this.  Seriously, I very much want to go.  But it's not coming anywhere close to me.  I only heard about it this week and apparently I missed it in Charlotte.  If I could figure out how to be gone for Christmas that early, I'd try to see it in Nashville on the 13th.

Anybody want a very expensive hamburger?

I would like this shirt from shirt.woot.  How ling to do you think I can wait to order it?

I have seen this like 20 times this week, but maybe you haven't.  Read the reviews for this product

Here is a helpful poster

Best Web Junk (November 6)

This is probably the neatest Halloween costume I've sen this year Here is the first runner up


Whoever thinks that Twitter is a waste of time should look at this list of people to follow.  This tweet from @common_squirrel alone is worth joining

Here is some useful knowledge for you

This could possibly be the best commercial I've ever seen


I enjoyed this very much

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.892555&w=425&h=350&fv=]

What you People Come Here For (October Edition)

Each month I collect the interesting searches that bring people to my blog and share them with you unedited.  They are simply cut-and-pasted exactly as they appeared.  Whatever you see in parenthesis is my commentary.  This month it seems like 40% of searches  included the word tattoo.  But only a few were funny.  Really it was a pretty boring month of searches overall

  • fence tattoos (really? a tattoo of a fence?)
  • dinosaur conversation
  • "is america being punk'd" obama (No idea why this would bring anyone to my blog)
  • tattoo speaker
  • who is john galt tattoo (I have no idea)

Best Web Junk (October 23)

I guarantee nobody would say this at Christmas This is hilarious (be warned it has a couple of swears)

I think Ryan should go with this look

You know how people are always seeing faces in random stuff?  This one I totally see

Also in seeing pictures where they may or may not exist is this awesomeness

I know everybody has seen this by now, but c'mon, it's hilarious


Best Web Junk (October 16)

This map is pretty much amazing. All the space missions ever This is a good interview with Mike Rowe

This lop-sided guy is really freaky looking

Entertainment Weekly asked people to post pictures of their best pop culture inspired Halloween costumes.  Some of these are very enjoyable (The 4 y.o. Lando Calrissian is by far my favorite)




An internet project

I like to use my blog to crowdsource things.  I don't have that large of a readership  but sometimes you are extremely helpful.  So this is another post where I ask you to give me suggestions and ideas. I am currently teaching Basic Computers at CBC.  At the first class I asked the students to rate themselves from 1-10 in computer knowledge, with 1 meaning, "I can barely turn a computer on," and 10 meaning "I should be teaching this class."  Most of them were a 2.

So I began with vocabulary. After learning much of the computer lexicon, I decided to turn my attention to using the internet.  There are 2 reasons for this strategy.  One, almost anything you can do with a  computer can be done online.  And two, it seems to me the trend is toward cloud computing.  I think the proliferation of netbooks demonstrates that we will soon to be mostly a world of terminals where the real computing is done on a server and the browser is the most important piece of software.

Here is where I ask for your help. What are the absolute must-knows of the internet?  I am composing a project in which I assign them a variety of tasks.  What do you think everyone should know about, or know how to do on, the internet?

BTW: I refuse to add "Learn to play Farm Town" to the list

Best Web Junk (October 2)

This site is fun but this is one of the many things I think is just here so people can get on the site This was on Digg, so you've probably seen it.  But these are awesome Mario wallpapers

I officially think this is the best website I have seen in recent memory.  Express your road rage safely (and check yourself to see who you've angered)

This video is more than a little bit impressive


This video is hilarious - warning - contains a mating parrot
